Sunday, June 28, 2009

My first ever blogging experience

Wow so i never thought i would actually get one of these things. I always thought blogs were for either married people, or those weird recluses who sat in their house all day just blogging and thought that people actually cared to read their blog. So the reason i started my own blog, is because i am lonely. . hahaha jk no its because i recently got rid of facebook a.k.a wasteyourtimebook, and i realized that i needed something to keep people informed while i was in Germany. Yes thats right, for those of you who don't know, i am moving to Germany with the best people in the world, my sister Steph and her Hubby. They are generously letting me stay there with them for a year, . . yes i know they probably didn't think this over before they said yes and now they are stuck with me. So i knew that the long distance calling would be so expensive so i thought i would start a blog and post photos and write about my experience in Europe. I really don't know how to work this thing so we'll see how it goes. (oh and don't mind my spelling, my siblings still make fun of me because i couldn't read until i was in the sixth grade)

1 comment:

  1. So let's see if this works again.
    TOTALLY impressed that you even figured out how to apply a background!
    And I LOVE your writing! Do it once a week. Keep us entertained. And p.s. become one of MY followers now that you have a google account :)

    love you!
    P.P.S. Are you alive?
